Senin, 18 Mei 2009

The History Of Pendopo nDalem

nDalem Pakuningrat was built in 1872 by a well-known palace architect K.R.T Joyodipuro as command from Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono VII intended for his son's house. The house, finally, was stayed by Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono VII's first son, Gusti Pangeran Purboyo. Due this reason, nDalem Pakuningratan is called the old nDalem Purbayan. G.R.M Dorojatun was born in 1912in this house (nDalem)the crown-Prince Kanjeng Gusti Adipati Anom Hamengkunegoro III was dead in year 1913 and replaced by G.P Purboyo. in 1912, Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono VII descended from the throne. in the same year G.P Purnoyo and his family were moved to yogyakrta palace and he was, then, inaugurated as sultan whole title Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono VIII. ini 1928, nDalem Pakuningratan was given to his first daughter whose title Kanjeng Ratu Pembayun who was married to Bendoro Pangeran Haryo Pakuningrat. After he died, nDalem Pakuningrat was stayed by his heirs named R.M Noordiyattiroe Pakuningrat and R.M Ebenuchaeri Pakuningrat. However, the other heirs whose name Siti Kironolesmi Piek Moeljadi Pakuningrat was staying in Jakarta and R.M Bannoedojo Pakuningrat was staying in Mexico.

open daily for lunch at 11 am - 3 pm

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